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Pop Up Play - making of
This project started as a personal research and turned into a live project collaboration between the Cardiff School of Art and Design and the School of Education students and staff.
How can artists and designers inspire the future generation to spend more time outdoors?
Together with members of staff from the School of Education we highlighted the importance of being outdoors and challenged artists and designers to submit their proposals for an unused concrete patch near the Forest School in the School of Education Campus in Cardiff. The official inauguration took place in January 2017 and the space is still being used by students, staff, and kids.
The call was open to all Art and Design student teams as long as there was interdisciplinary collaboration between them where each students would bring their ideas and skills into the project.
The winning team worked closely with the staff and the School of Education staff and students who also brought in research findings and school visit material important for the realisation of the project.
The idea was to design and digitally fabricate in Fab Lab Cardiff, seating for kids and students before visiting the nearby forest as well as storage space for little treasures (loose parts) that kids would find in the forest.